'Alumni Journey' Park Geun-hyung "Actor Jeon Jeon-yeon crying to the end, I was also surprised."

2020-11-13     강하루 기자

Actor Park Geun-hyung applauded the passion of Akbari Jeon Do-yeon.

On the 13th broadcast of TV Chosun's'Sikgaek Heo Youngman's Baekban Travel', Park Geun-hyung appeared and Heo Youngman's restaurant tour was with him.

Heo Youngman and Park Geun-hyung, who went to the Wooreungssambap restaurant in Jeongeup, said, "In fact, I was worried about appearing. I don't know much about food, but Mr. Huh is also very specialized in cartoons, but isn't he very interested in food?" I'm afraid," he said. When Heo Young-man asked, "Do you speak such a word while knowing the technique of editing well?" Park Geun-hyung confronted him with "it will be difficult to edit," and laughed.

It finally came out. Heo Youngman, who tasted it, admired, "It's not meat, it's not seafood, it's big in freshwater, but I don't know how chewy and delicious it is."

The two headed to the shop without a sign after eating the wooreong ssambap set. There they were selling beef head soup and bean jam. Park Geun-hyeong, who ate beef head soup, said, "There is such a hidden taste in Jeongeup. I like all the soup called tang. I ate a lot of Seolleongtang and Gomtang. There are many places that specialize in beef head soup in Toechon, Gwangju, Gyeonggi Province, but it is more delicious than eating there. Said.

On this day, Park Geun-hyung opened up about his former KBS public loan. "I was very hungry while I was doing the theater for 7 years. I thought that recruiting a bond at first guarantees old age like an employee. But it wasn't that, it was just a manpower bond," he recalled.

"I'm underneath me, Bul-am Choi, I'm Kim Hye-ja in the 3rd and 2nd period, and the richest in the 1st period. I went up to Namsan (the KBS office at the time) one day after saying the right thing, and there was a list of those who left the board on the board. Hye-ja Kim, I. , Mr. Samija, husband Kim Kwan-soo, and a person who is very good at voice actor.

He added, "I was reinstated again the following year. It was my second freelance declaration in Korea and came out." Heo Young-man asked, "What then did your wife believe in getting married?" Park Geun-hyung said, "That's why he's a very frustrated person."

Park Geun-hyung also clarified what he is called'the tiger teacher'. He said, "It's a misunderstanding. As I've learned, my arguments aren't exactly right, but there's a method like this," he said. "If I don't understand it, I'm upset. Sometimes, I can get angry without knowing." "It's not insulting, but there are many people who want to get hurt."

“There is an actress named Jeon Jeon-yeon. I was most likely suffered severely. Even though I was crying, I talked to the end and made it through the end. So I was surprised to say'Ah~'. It is also Jo Min-soo. Men don't teach,” jokingly laughed once again.

[News Inside Reporter Kang Haru news@newsinside.kr]

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