Bae Yoon-jung, Spain wedding photography memories... “I was a high school student, but I miss it. Already 1 year”

2020-09-17     김희선 기자

Star choreographer Bae Yoon-jung summoned the memories of Spanish wedding photography.

On the 16th, Bae Yoon-jung posted on his Instagram, “It is the first anniversary. I was a high school student, but I miss you” and posted a video.

“Already one year. Spanish wedding photography” he added.

In the video released along with this, there is a picture of the couple Bae Yoon-jung taking a wedding photo shoot in Spain.

In particular, Bae Yoon-jung caught the attention of viewers with a bold split dress.

In addition, Bae Yoon-jung's husband's warm visual was admirable.

Bae Yoon-jung gathered attention when she married her 11-year-old husband again in September last year.

Meanwhile, Bae Yoon-jung is currently co-director of the choreographer'Yama & Hot Chicks' and is meeting with the public as a dance trainer on various broadcasts.

[News Inside reporter Kim Hee-sun]

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