Red Velvet Yeri, amazed at the upgraded sexy... is it Yeri?

2020-10-19     송지나 기자

Red Velvet's Yeri shared the recent status of her mature beauty.

On the 18th, Yeri posted several photos on her Instagram story.

In the picture, the sharpness of gorgeous makeup and intense styling is staring at the camera. In particular, unlike the time when he showed off his cute side as the youngest member of Red Velvet, his more mature beauty drew attention.

Netizens who saw the picture said, "Are you sharp?" They responded such as, "It was really pretty and sharp and sharp" and "I saw the stage well".

Meanwhile, Red Velvet, a group to which Yeri belongs, appeared in'On Tact 2020 Gangnam Festival' on the 18th.

[News Inside Reporter Song Ji-na]

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