'Dodosol Solarasol' Go Ara, “Thank you all for doing it together.” #Wed Thurs Drama

2020-10-09     김희선 기자

Actress Go Ara, who is appearing in'Dodosol Solarasol', gave her first room impression.

On the 7th, Goa posted a photo on her Instagram with a post saying, "#Today #first broadcast #Thank you all for doing it together."

In the published photo, there is a figure of Goa Ra sitting squatting and pointing at the KBS radio panel.

Especially, Goara's cute expression made even viewers smile.

Also, the beauty of Goa-ra's doll, which can be felt from a distance, attracts attention.

Meanwhile, Goara is currently appearing in KBS2's Wednesday and Thursday drama'Dodosol Solar Sol'.

'Dodosol Solarasol' is a twinkling romantic comedy drama of energetic pianist Gura-ra and savory master Sun Woo-jun. It is broadcast every Wednesday and Thursday at 10pm.

[News Inside reporter Kim Hee-sun news@newsinside.kr]

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